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We hear a lot about digital transformation today. Theconcept seem to scare a lot of companies! Rest assured. On this issue, the largest companies are not necessarily the most advanced. Since there is no precise definition of the notion of digital transformation, we have decided to take concrete examples. The goal is to choose an activity, to put ourselves in the place of a company of this activity and to see how it can go digital.

Trading Company: Online Selling Sites

Société de Négoce

Let’s take as example a company that trades and sells to both individuals and businesses.

Traditionally, these companies had physical shops to be able to sell to individuals; telemarketers and salespeople to sell to businesses.

An example of a digital transformation for this trading company, is to set up an online selling site that will address both individuals and businesses.

Benefits For The Company

  • Reaching a wider audience thanks to the internet
  • Boosting your brand image
  • Reducing payment delays

Customer benefits

  • Being autonomous in making his orders
  • No need to move
  • Ability to order at anytime
  • Ability to order anywhere

Construction Company: Tablets on the building site

This time we are taking as example a building company, let’s say a general contractor. When they are in charge of a construction site, they can take care of everything from A to Z.

In order to follow the construction site, the site manager must visit the Workers on the site and write down the progress on a notebook. He then returns to the office to write a report and send it to his client.

An example of a digital transformation for this building company, would be to equip the Workers with tablets, so that they can take pictures of the building site themselves to show the progress, while accompanying them with comments. The site manager would then be directly informed of the progress and could forward the report to his client in one click.

Société de Négoce

Benefits for the company

  • Saving time on administrative tasks
  • Real-time updates on the progress in the construction site
  • Ability to make steering decisions

Customer benefits

  • Access to real-time information on work progress
  • Access to updates from everywhere
  • Ability to add dynamic remarks

The Trainers: E-Learningdigital transformation

Société de Négoce

We will take as example an area we all know very well: trainers. Big training companies used to beknown for having very large premises, accessible and respecting a certain number of norms and standards. Their clients have to go to their premises to be able to receive the training. A trainer animates a maximum of one session per day and trains a maximum of 10 participants. Beyond that is no longer effective.

A good example of a digital transformation for a training company is to move to E-Learning.

Rather than receiving trainees in their premises, they can conduct distance training.

Benefits for the company

  • Cost saving on infrastructure
  • Ability to train more trainees per session
  • A trainer can animate several sessions during the same day using asynchronous media (tutorials)

Customer benefit

  • Ability to receive the training at a lower cost
  • Ability to follow the training from anywhere
  • Flexibility and ability to access the content at anytime

Service Company: A Collaborative Project Monitoring Tool

Another area well-known to us, business services. Let’s take the example of a communication agency, which sells working days to its customers. Often these companies adopt a business / project logic. They sell a number of days needed for the execution of a project. There is a logic of progress, recipe, project point, etc. So many tables to keep, minutes of meetings to make and customers to reassure.

An example of a digital transformation for a company providing services would be to set up a collaborative project management tool. This tool would be shared between all project stakeholders, be it agency employees, the client, or even potential service providers.

Société de service : Un outil de suivi de projet collaboratif

Benefits for the company

  • Ability to monitor the evolution of the project in real time
  • Ability to adjust the forces
  • Ability to notice problems
  • Time saving in sharing the information

Customer Benefits

  • Being aware in real time of the progress of the work
  • Ability to access the project from anywhere
  • Ability to access the project anytime

Other Examples of everyday life

Des exemples de la vie de tous les jours
  • We go to the bank less often, now that everything can be done through the banking portal.
  • We no longer go read the yellow pages, we simply go to Google to search for information.
  • We no longer rent DVDs at the video club, we rent a go for the VOD.
  • Etc
  • The entire economy is in the process of going digital and companies must take the digital turn too. Taking this turn will allow them to gain more market shares and sustain their business.

    Do you also wish to digitize your activities? Contact us to find out how we can help you.

For your stores and warehouses, you need technological solutions that are designed to increase your turnover; solutions that extend marketing initiatives to the consumer smartphone, integrate e-commerce, provide greater mobility and data visibility, and improve the customer experience.

If you are currently facing one of these challenges, we can help you rethink your processes.

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